(too old to reply)
Ventus B
2004-07-05 00:54:39 UTC
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
Marc Ramsey
2004-07-05 01:45:52 UTC
Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
I owned a 20B, and it was once of the nicest handling and benign gliders
that I've owned. It would spin, but it would take some abuse, even with
the CG near the aft limit. The 20C apparently has similar handling
characteristics. Some (but not all) of the earlier 20 (aka 20A) ships
are reputedly somewhat less forgiving. Get too slow, and they will
stall and spin rather promptly, with very little warning. I've never
experienced going inverted in a spin, but they will do over the top spin
entries (outside wing drops, and the glider rolls inverted before
settling into a normal spin), which confuses those who haven't
experienced them before.

In any case, the 20B (best for strong conditions) and 20C are preferred,
as they have automatic elevator hookups, tilt-up instrument panels, and
better cockpit ventilation. If you've flown a flapped glider (like a
Ventus B), you'll have no problems with them. If you want to buy an
original 20, talk to some of the past owners, if you can, to get an
assessment of that particular ships quirks.

2004-07-05 02:53:17 UTC
One additional observation - depending on exactly when in the
auto-rotation/pitch oscillation cycle the recovery inputs take affect, it
can feel like the ship is going inverted. In other words, it feels like the
nose swings down past vertical before back pressure is applied to recover
once the rotation is arrested. I flew a friend's 20C several times and
tested a bunch of spins from different entry modes, and this was the only
slightly uncomfortable moment. In this case, the ship was equipped with
winglets and the CG was only at about 50 aft CG limit. Not sure whether
this is typical for this combination of ship/configuration.
Post by Marc Ramsey
Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
I owned a 20B, and it was once of the nicest handling and benign gliders
that I've owned. It would spin, but it would take some abuse, even with
the CG near the aft limit. The 20C apparently has similar handling
characteristics. Some (but not all) of the earlier 20 (aka 20A) ships
are reputedly somewhat less forgiving. Get too slow, and they will
stall and spin rather promptly, with very little warning. I've never
experienced going inverted in a spin, but they will do over the top spin
entries (outside wing drops, and the glider rolls inverted before
settling into a normal spin), which confuses those who haven't
experienced them before.
In any case, the 20B (best for strong conditions) and 20C are preferred,
as they have automatic elevator hookups, tilt-up instrument panels, and
better cockpit ventilation. If you've flown a flapped glider (like a
Ventus B), you'll have no problems with them. If you want to buy an
original 20, talk to some of the past owners, if you can, to get an
assessment of that particular ships quirks.
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-05 12:20:26 UTC
Post by Marc Ramsey
Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
Some (but not all) of the earlier 20 (aka 20A) ships
are reputedly somewhat less forgiving. Get too slow, and they will
stall and spin rather promptly, with very little warning. I've never
experienced going inverted in a spin, but they will do over the top spin
entries (outside wing drops, and the glider rolls inverted before
settling into a normal spin), which confuses those who haven't
experienced them before.
I'll second that. I have an early '20 (s/n 34) and it does indeed
depart with little warning if I get too slow in a 45+ degree bank (45
kts in zero flap and a gust will do it) but both times I've got it
back within a 1/4 turn and not much height loss. One departure
happened when I gradually tightened the turn past 45 degrees while
keeping the speed to a constant 45 kts, so I guess that's expected
with hindsight. The second was in a more turbulent thermal, so may
have been helped along by a gust.

It does drop a wing when stalled (any flap setting) but that's pretty
benign and not hard to deal with. I would not describe that as a spin
from stall, though it might develop into one if left alone. Standard
spin recovery is: (a) centralise controls, (b) flaps negative, (c)
take normal spin recovery action. So far (c) has not been necessary as
it usually self recovers when the flaps are pushed negative.

I've not yet seen a departure which went past a 90 degree bank.

Other habits:

- trimmed hands off at 50 kts and with feet on to keep straight, mine
has a 25 second phugoid with a +/- 5 kt speed excursion. I let it run
for 5-6 cycles but the amount of the speed excursion seemed stable
after the first couple of cycles.

- trimmed hands and feet off at 50 kts is stable. If the wheel is
dropped or the brakes opened a spiral dive develops - there seems to
be no benign spiral.

I'm very pleased with mine and glad I bought it. It thermals well, is
nicely balanced to fly and has an excellent turn of speed in the
cruise. The learning curve for the flapped life is steep but worth the
effort - its taken me 37 hours over 36 flights (almost all off the
winch) to feel as if I'm up to speed with the flaps but I felt at home
in the glider almost from the start. Mind you, I did have over 150
hours in a Pegase, which I really rate, first!.

FWIW I had 226 solo hours (271 total) when I made my first flight in
the '20 and would not have wanted to tackle it a year earlier (134
hours solo, 174 total) though at that time I would have been happy to
fly almost any 15m standard class glider.
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Asbjorn Hojmark
2004-07-05 11:35:11 UTC
Post by Ventus B
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
I have an old '20 (also know as '20A, though it isn't actually
called that, http://www.hojmark.org/oy-xkw/) and have never
experienced "nasty" characteristics.

The only thing I've seen is that if you enter a thermal, pull up,
and start turning without the correct flap setting (i.e. way too
slow for a full negative setting), the '20 will spin and will do
so a bit agressively and 'over the top'. This may be what other
people are refering to when they say it goes "inverted".

PS: Don't test that in a thermal with other people...
The Usenet Sect -- Resistance is futile. You will assimilate ò-|
2004-07-05 19:09:08 UTC
I have 400 hours in an ASW19 and it does just just about the same,
thermalling slow then getting a gust and a little bit of up stick she would
roll 180 degrees to the high wing to almost an inverted position then
gravity would bring the nose down and start spin entry but recover
instantly the stick goes forward.
The ASW20 is almost identical except having to slide the flaps negative
for the speed your doing and I have flown other types that do exactly the
same, eg: Ventus A/B are aggressive in the entry as well
Overall the I rate ASW20 is one of the best at low speed handling and low
Just take the glider up high and explore the limits of the behavior so you
the point to which you can take her.
If it really concerns you then get winglets fitted ,best price I found was
from M & H
in the US $1100-$1600 (model dependent) plus fitting, that lowers the
stall speed and noticably changes behavior at slow speed,
improves the L/D as well :)))
Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
Bert Willing
2004-07-06 07:39:50 UTC
I have flown an early C model with aft c/g (but still in the legal range),
and spin entry was very rapid, with little warning. Back in that time, there
have been 3 fatalities in one year in Germany (1985 or 1986?) with a C

I now fly a A model with Lindner winglets, and I tried stalling/spinning in
all flap configurations. It does sin, but it really needs to be convinced
and can be easily stopped by the standard procedure.
Bert Willing

ASW20 "TW"
Post by goneill
I have 400 hours in an ASW19 and it does just just about the same,
thermalling slow then getting a gust and a little bit of up stick she would
roll 180 degrees to the high wing to almost an inverted position then
gravity would bring the nose down and start spin entry but recover
instantly the stick goes forward.
The ASW20 is almost identical except having to slide the flaps negative
for the speed your doing and I have flown other types that do exactly the
same, eg: Ventus A/B are aggressive in the entry as well
Overall the I rate ASW20 is one of the best at low speed handling and low
Just take the glider up high and explore the limits of the behavior so you
the point to which you can take her.
If it really concerns you then get winglets fitted ,best price I found was
from M & H
in the US $1100-$1600 (model dependent) plus fitting, that lowers the
stall speed and noticably changes behavior at slow speed,
improves the L/D as well :)))
Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
Andreas Maurer
2004-07-06 11:29:55 UTC
On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 09:39:50 +0200, "Bert Willing"
Post by Bert Willing
I have flown an early C model with aft c/g (but still in the legal range),
and spin entry was very rapid, with little warning. Back in that time, there
have been 3 fatalities in one year in Germany (1985 or 1986?) with a C
I now fly a A model with Lindner winglets, and I tried stalling/spinning in
all flap configurations. It does sin, but it really needs to be convinced
and can be easily stopped by the standard procedure.
I'd like to add that the 20 of my club with aft C/G also had a rather
violent spin entry at flap setting 4 (thermalling setting), but
overall the spin behaviour of the 20 is very predictable and not
critical at all. I'd deal our 27 for a 20 any time.

The 24 without winglets has a very similar spin behaviour with an aft
CG, btw.

2004-07-06 12:27:55 UTC
Although George Thelen doesn't name the sailplane that is the subject of his
July 2004 Safety Corner column in Soaring magazine, he seems to be talking
about the ASW 20A. Perhaps someone familiar with that particular accident
could elaborate.

Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
JJ Sinclair
2004-07-06 13:22:19 UTC
When I got my first 20A, I was nervous as hell about the spin characteristics
as there had been a whole bunch of spin accidents, world wide. For the first 50
hours I tried to gently provoke her, but she wouldn't depart unless severely
manhandled. After that I settled down and enjoyed the bird. Nothing will climb
like a 20A and those floppy wings, smooth out the ride.
After 10 years or so, I formed the opinion that some 20's would spin at the
drop of a hat and others wouldn't. A friend had a *good* 20, that wouldn't spin
under normal conditions. One day he adjusted the flaps, so that the flaps and
ailerons were all exactly at neutral with the flap handle in zero and the stick
exactly in the middle. You guessed it, after that he had a *bad* 20 that would
spin at the drop of a hat. It could have something to do with the flap
adjustment, but I'm not sure what, because they are flap-erons and move with
the ailerons.
BTW, the accident at Air Sailing was a 20A.
JJ Sinclair
Udo Rumpf
2004-07-06 13:42:10 UTC
Post by JJ Sinclair
When I got my first 20A, I was nervous as hell about the spin
Post by JJ Sinclair
as there had been a whole bunch of spin accidents, world wide. For the first 50
hours I tried to gently provoke her, but she wouldn't depart unless severely
manhandled. After that I settled down and enjoyed the bird. Nothing will climb
like a 20A and those floppy wings, smooth out the ride.
After 10 years or so, I formed the opinion that some 20's would spin at the
drop of a hat and others wouldn't. A friend had a *good* 20, that wouldn't spin
under normal conditions. One day he adjusted the flaps, so that the flaps and
ailerons were all exactly at neutral with the flap handle in zero and the stick
exactly in the middle. You guessed it, after that he had a *bad* 20 that would
spin at the drop of a hat. It could have something to do with the flap
adjustment, but I'm not sure what, because they are flap-erons and move with
the ailerons.
BTW, the accident at Air Sailing was a 20A.
JJ Sinclair
Interesting, do you remember what the factory flap setting should be?
On first thought I would think the aileron would be slightly more negative
to the flap setting with the flap handle in neutral. Only when in the high
speed setting would both flap and aileron line up.
Just a thought.
JJ Sinclair
2004-07-06 14:14:07 UTC
I believe the LS-6 does it that way (flaps and ailerons all even in full
negative flap position) my recollection of the 20 is that everything is even at
zero flap and zero stick. One can set it up as one wishes, but one may be
dialing in undesired consequences.
I remember the Boeing engineer who told me, "Aircraft are designed by geniuses
to be operated by idiots".
JJ Sinclair
Bert Willing
2004-07-06 14:26:38 UTC
On the 20, everything is flush in the full negative position.
Bert Willing

ASW20 "TW"
Post by JJ Sinclair
I believe the LS-6 does it that way (flaps and ailerons all even in full
negative flap position) my recollection of the 20 is that everything is even at
zero flap and zero stick. One can set it up as one wishes, but one may be
dialing in undesired consequences.
I remember the Boeing engineer who told me, "Aircraft are designed by geniuses
to be operated by idiots".
JJ Sinclair
Chip Bearden
2004-07-06 21:02:39 UTC
There was some discussion about ten years ago that a contributing
factor in the early '20 accidents might have been the type of sealing
tape used on the flaps and ailerons. Specifically, before the
wholesale adoption of Mylar seals, many of the older ships had white
cloth tape on the lower surface that could bulge out at the hinge line
under certain airflow conditions, presumably triggering some sort of
undesirable behavior.

Anyone recall this or know if it was true?

Chip Bearden
Hank Nixon
2004-07-07 12:30:51 UTC
Post by Chip Bearden
There was some discussion about ten years ago that a contributing
factor in the early '20 accidents might have been the type of sealing
tape used on the flaps and ailerons. Specifically, before the
wholesale adoption of Mylar seals, many of the older ships had white
cloth tape on the lower surface that could bulge out at the hinge line
under certain airflow conditions, presumably triggering some sort of
undesirable behavior.
Anyone recall this or know if it was true?
Chip Bearden
Reply: Quite true. '20 is very sensitive to the quality of sealing on
both top and bottom of the wing. Remakable affect on both performance
and handling.
2004-07-07 16:24:11 UTC
. Specifically, before the wholesale adoption of Mylar seals, many of the
older ships had white cloth tape on the lower surface that could bulge out at
the hinge line under certain airflow conditions, presumably triggering some
sort of undesirable behavior.
Worse yet is that this cloth tape will shrink over time and can restrict
control surface travel. If you have not replaced your cloth tape in several
years you could have less travel than you should. You can of course pull or
push real hard to get to the stop but that is not a good thing to have to do.

Robert Mudd
Andy Henderson
2004-07-08 08:57:15 UTC
It's true that many ASW20A's were/are sealed with cloth tape on the
underside of the flaps and sometimes the ailerons. It is needed for
the flaps because of the 55 degree (jesus)down flap setting for short
field landings. Mylar would just peel off when trying this flap
psoition during your control checks.

Mine is sealed with cloth tape and I intend to leave it on the
underside of the flaps. I have looked at how it is installed. It would
appear it was put on with full negative flap applied and even then a
small amount of "slack" has been left and pushed up into the gap by a
small amount. No matter what flap setting I use this "slack" always
stays up in the gap.

I would think it unlikely that cloth tape contributed to spinning
accidents. More likely poor energy management and/or the use of
landing flap before speed has been set and final turn complete.

Always complete your final turn, check your speed, make sure you are
going to make the field, check your speed, then select whichever
landing flap position you want, check your speed and use further
airbrake if required, continue checking you speed. Sorry if this seems
like teaching Granny to suck eggs.

Andy Henderson
Post by Chip Bearden
There was some discussion about ten years ago that a contributing
factor in the early '20 accidents might have been the type of sealing
tape used on the flaps and ailerons. Specifically, before the
wholesale adoption of Mylar seals, many of the older ships had white
cloth tape on the lower surface that could bulge out at the hinge line
under certain airflow conditions, presumably triggering some sort of
undesirable behavior.
Anyone recall this or know if it was true?
Chip Bearden
Doug Hoffman
2004-07-08 09:43:16 UTC
Post by Andy Henderson
It's true that many ASW20A's were/are sealed with cloth tape on the
underside of the flaps and sometimes the ailerons. It is needed for
the flaps because of the 55 degree (jesus)down flap setting for short
field landings. Mylar would just peel off when trying this flap
psoition during your control checks.
*Only* 55 degrees? We do 90 degrees in HP-Land. I use wide Scotch plastic
tape applied to the outside surface to seal. Yes, using mylar may be
feasible but it is very difficult to keep stuck in place on these ships.


Post by Andy Henderson
Mine is sealed with cloth tape and I intend to leave it on the
underside of the flaps. I have looked at how it is installed. It would
appear it was put on with full negative flap applied and even then a
small amount of "slack" has been left and pushed up into the gap by a
small amount. No matter what flap setting I use this "slack" always
stays up in the gap.
Yup. Same here.
JJ Sinclair
2004-07-08 12:51:42 UTC
Good post Andy,
When the 20 first came out we had a rash of accidents, like 20 or more
world-wide. Then things settled down and the carnage stopped. Why? I have an
opinion, lots of guys climbed out of the 301 libelle and bought the hot new
toy. Think about the differences; The 301 had automatic elevator hook-up, the
20 didn't. Hence, a bunch of us forgot to hook things up. The 301 flaps only
went down about 15 degrees, the 20 flaps went way down. Hence a bunch of
landing accidents. On the 301, the stick only moved the ailerons, whereas in
the 20, everything out there moved and therefore a bit of heavy-handed input
could get one in trouble a whole lot faster. The 301 was nimble and quick, try
to be nimble and quick in your 20, with the flaps down, and one could end up
with rocks in the cockpit.
Why didn't we just stick with the good old 301 libelle?
JJ Sinclair
Kirk Stant
2004-07-06 22:18:16 UTC
Post by JJ Sinclair
I believe the LS-6 does it that way (flaps and ailerons all even in full
negative flap position)
LS6 has effectively one piece flaperons, so there is never any split
between the flap and the aileron (which is probably why it slows down
so much with landing flap!).

Interestingly, the wing is faired (wingroot and tip) at full negative
(-5) flaps, not at 0. Makes sense, when you think about it.

Since this is a spin thread, the 6 will kinda spin, if forced, but at
my somewhat forward CG only in landing flap.

Chris OCallaghan
2004-07-07 14:45:36 UTC

The 20's flaps and ailerons are split. They move differentially. The
ailerons alot, the flaps a little. They are flush with stick neutral
in fist positve, "0," and negative flap positions. And, of course, in
landing flaps, the ailerons go up causing the distinctive anhedral bow
on approach.
Andrew Warbrick
2004-07-06 15:14:47 UTC
On the ASW 20 I used to own a share in (German, early
model), everything was flush in the neutral (flap 3)
position, I've seen a lot of 20's and I do not recall
seeing any where the flaps lined up with the wing root
in full negative. Oh, and to get back on topic, the
spin characteristics were quite benign with a forward
CofG but it wouldn't climb very well at all.

Andrew Warbrick

LS6C 17.5 (everything is flush in full negative on
Post by Bert Willing
On the 20, everything is flush in the full negative
Bert Willing
ASW20 'TW'
Post by JJ Sinclair
I believe the LS-6 does it that way (flaps and ailerons
all even in full
negative flap position) my recollection of the 20
is that everything is
even at
Post by JJ Sinclair
zero flap and zero stick. One can set it up as one
wishes, but one may be
dialing in undesired consequences.
I remember the Boeing engineer who told me, 'Aircraft
are designed by
Post by JJ Sinclair
to be operated by idiots'.
JJ Sinclair
Bert Willing
2004-07-06 15:23:59 UTC
Flaps & ailerons are flush in full negative, but not the wing fairing. Well,
at least on mine.
Bert Willing

ASW20 "TW"
Post by Andrew Warbrick
On the ASW 20 I used to own a share in (German, early
model), everything was flush in the neutral (flap 3)
position, I've seen a lot of 20's and I do not recall
seeing any where the flaps lined up with the wing root
in full negative. Oh, and to get back on topic, the
spin characteristics were quite benign with a forward
CofG but it wouldn't climb very well at all.
Andrew Warbrick
LS6C 17.5 (everything is flush in full negative on
Post by Bert Willing
On the 20, everything is flush in the full negative
Bert Willing
ASW20 'TW'
Post by JJ Sinclair
I believe the LS-6 does it that way (flaps and ailerons
all even in full
negative flap position) my recollection of the 20
is that everything is
even at
Post by JJ Sinclair
zero flap and zero stick. One can set it up as one
wishes, but one may be
dialing in undesired consequences.
I remember the Boeing engineer who told me, 'Aircraft
are designed by
Post by JJ Sinclair
to be operated by idiots'.
JJ Sinclair
Andrew Warbrick
2004-07-06 16:15:35 UTC
Hi Bert,

Lined up with the wing fairings is what I meant by
flush. It's been three years since I had the 20 but
I do remember the flaps lined up with the ailerons
in neutral (and this was adjustable by slackening the
lock nuts and screwing the L'Hotelier's in and out).
I can't accurately recollect whether the flap mixer
moves the flaps more than the ailerons or by the same
amount (though I know the flap mixer mechanism is not
the same in the French 20s and might be different in
the 20b and 20c).

In the LS6 the flaperons are flush with the wing root
in full negative but the 'flaps' are always in line
with the 'ailerons' because they are locked together
and operate in unison.
Post by Bert Willing
Flaps & ailerons are flush in full negative, but not
the wing fairing. Well,
at least on mine.
Bert Willing
ASW20 'TW'
'Andrew Warbrick' a écrit dans le
Post by Andrew Warbrick
On the ASW 20 I used to own a share in (German, early
model), everything was flush in the neutral (flap
position, I've seen a lot of 20's and I do not recall
seeing any where the flaps lined up with the wing
in full negative. Oh, and to get back on topic, the
spin characteristics were quite benign with a forward
CofG but it wouldn't climb very well at all.
Andrew Warbrick
LS6C 17.5 (everything is flush in full negative on
Post by Bert Willing
On the 20, everything is flush in the full negative
Bert Willing
ASW20 'TW'
Post by JJ Sinclair
I believe the LS-6 does it that way (flaps and ailerons
all even in full
negative flap position) my recollection of the 20
is that everything is
even at
Post by JJ Sinclair
zero flap and zero stick. One can set it up as one
wishes, but one may be
dialing in undesired consequences.
I remember the Boeing engineer who told me, 'Aircraft
are designed by
Post by JJ Sinclair
to be operated by idiots'.
JJ Sinclair
Derrick Steed
2004-07-08 09:39:04 UTC
Andy Henderson wrote:
"Mylar would just peel off when trying this flap
psoition during your control checks."

Sorry, but I must disagree: my PIK 20B is sealed on the underside of the flaps with Mylar and Teflon, and they go down to 90 degrees! - the Mylar doesn't peel off, it works just fine if you put it on right. And if the grip of the mylar you have fitted to other places on the airframe is that tenuous you should be worried about it peeling.


Derrick Steed
Jeremy Zawodny
2004-07-07 06:36:47 UTC
Post by Bryan
Although George Thelen doesn't name the sailplane that is the subject of his
July 2004 Safety Corner column in Soaring magazine, he seems to be talking
about the ASW 20A. Perhaps someone familiar with that particular accident
could elaborate.
Yes, that was Ruben's fatal ASW-20A accident at Air Sailing.

Chris OCallaghan
2004-07-06 17:13:12 UTC
Owned an A for 17 years. Spun it many times (never inadvertently). If
you abuse the controls at stall, it will spin promptly from positive
flap positions. The more positive, the more dramatic. However, as long
as you use coordinated controls, it handles predictably, though
sometimes sluggishly, with a tendency to spiral dive after stall

The handbook recommends not applying landing flap until on final and
clear of last obstruction. Based on experimenting with recovery from
spins initiated with flaps in landing, this is a very good practice to
Eric Greenwell
2004-07-06 18:10:54 UTC
Post by Chris OCallaghan
Owned an A for 17 years. Spun it many times (never inadvertently). If
you abuse the controls at stall, it will spin promptly from positive
flap positions. The more positive, the more dramatic. However, as long
as you use coordinated controls, it handles predictably, though
sometimes sluggishly, with a tendency to spiral dive after stall
The handbook recommends not applying landing flap until on final and
clear of last obstruction. Based on experimenting with recovery from
spins initiated with flaps in landing, this is a very good practice to
I think my C model prohibited spinning in Landing flap, so I didn't try
spinning. Attempts at incipient spins were futile, as it took so much
coarse mishandling of the controls to even stall it, I didn't really get
to the start of a spin. The negative angle (up about 5 degrees when the
flaps were down 40 degrees) of the ailerons in landing flap seemed to
give them good authority even as the glider bucked and rocked with lots
of back stick. My CG was about 75%, I think.

How did your A model respond? It had more Landing flap available than my
C model (60 degrees vs 40).
Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Chris OCallaghan
2004-07-07 14:38:31 UTC

I don't recall if my A had a prohibition against spinning in landing
flap. However, to avoid overspeeding the flaps I would immediately
move the flap handle forward after the first half rotation. I had
assumed when I bought the glider that the upturned ailerons in landing
flap position would prevent dramatic autorotation, but this wasn't the
case. I think the 20 developed a bad reputation because pilots were
setting the landing flaps on downwind rather than waiting until final
approach. The 20 definitely handles less pleasantly, especially in
turns and turbulence with the landing flaps down.

With full flaps on the A, the nose angle at stall was below the
horizon. Just another thing to get used to.

I have to say I think George T. went a little overboard in
charcaterizing the 20 as a dangerous glider. Like all fast glass, it
requires additional energy management skills and a respect for the
altitude it will need to recover if abused. I see it as no less safe
or dangerous than a Discus. Perhaps more complex, but that's a
training issue. That's not nostalgia talking. I prefer newer
gliders... they are better harmonized, easier to put together, climb
and glide better. But the 20 (2nd gen) has the same management issues
as third generation flapped ships (V2, ASW-27) and newer gliders are
no less disposed to bite their masters if mishandled. There's nothing
inherent in the glider that would presdispose it to accidents. But
like all fast glass, it will accentuate pilot ignorance.

As for George's complaints against manual control hookups, well, this
is a fact of life. I would guess that 3/4 of all ships in service have
manual hookups. Again, a training issue. Pilots who follow the
manufactures' assembly instructions and best practices (double
inspection, critical assembly check, positive control check) don't
have problems. Control failures can almost always be traced back to
poor maintenance or a mistake in the assembly and inspection sequence.
There are some inherently poor designs, but the 20's hotellier
fittings are not among them. And after market safety devices are
available to address their known weaknesses (or more correctly,
weakness in the assembler). Are automatic control hookups better...?
You bet! But that doesn't make manual hookups inherently unsafe. They
simply require more attention.
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-06 18:13:29 UTC
Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
Assuming you haven't seen the handbook yet, the following may answer
some of your questions:


It was written by Andreas Maurer for a pilot who was converting from a
Pegasus: in fact the guy I bought my '20 from. I've found it very
useful, especially as I, too, was converting from a Pegasus. IMO it
tells you most of what you need to know about the '20 that isn't in
the flight manual.
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
2004-07-13 04:56:11 UTC
This comment is not quite on point - but relevant. I met a pilot yesterday
who flew B-26s during WWII. He mentioned that the B-26 had a reputation for
killing pilots during training. In particular, the pilots were afraid of an
engine out on takeoff causing a spin. Vice President Truman heard these
stories and considered the B-26 a financial waste, so he sent Jimmy
Doolittle down to test the characteristics of the plane.

Doolittle spoke with the pilots, read the operations manual, then flew the
airplane. He then assembled the cadets and brought along one of the
instructors as a check pilot. On the first takeoff, he pulled an engine,
then did a 360 degree turn and landed safely. On the next takeoff, he
pulled the other engine, then did a 360 and returned to land safely.

He then assembled the cadets and stated that he had flown the aircraft and
when the engine was shut down during takeoff, he flew it exactly like the
operations manual directed. His conclusion was that there was nothing wrong
with the airplane, but that the pilots had not been trained properly.

What is important is to understand the characteristics of the aircraft and
give great deference to the operations manual - unless you are smarter than
the guy who wrote it.


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Chris OCallaghan
2004-07-14 00:06:43 UTC
Very thoughtful of Andreas to put this together. Based on 17+ years
and 2000 hours in a 20, I would add only the following thoughts...

You may move the flap handle from position 2 to position 4 on take off
as soon as the pass the start point of the tow plane. This is where
wings typically drop, in the wake turbulence as you enter it at low
speed. Once past it, you will find plenty of control authority. I
prefer flap position 4 since it lowers the nose, allowing a much
improved view of the tow rope.

When thermalling, use flap position 4, or drill a hole between
positions 3 and 4 if you want less drag. If you need to shift your
circle or correct for gusts, move the flap handle to 3 as you make
aileron inputs. This will give you a better roll rate. As soon as you
have established the desired angle of bank, pop the handle back into
positive (3.5 or 4).
Post by Martin Gregorie
Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
Assuming you haven't seen the handbook yet, the following may answer
It was written by Andreas Maurer for a pilot who was converting from a
Pegasus: in fact the guy I bought my '20 from. I've found it very
useful, especially as I, too, was converting from a Pegasus. IMO it
tells you most of what you need to know about the '20 that isn't in
the flight manual.
Graeme Cant
2004-07-16 14:36:28 UTC
Chris OCallaghan wrote:
Post by Chris OCallaghan
When thermalling, use flap position 4, or drill a hole between
positions 3 and 4 if you want less drag.
Thank you, Chris. My 20B had a 3.5 hole drilled when we bought it but I
had no advice on its purpose or use. I was puzzled when I couldn't
relate the Flight Manual descriptions to what my glider had. Eventually
I worked it out.

I would be interested in any advice anyone can give on the use of 3.5.
I tend to use it for nearly all thermalling and only use 4 for landing.
Am I right? Is a 3.5 hole common? Did Schleicher's get it wrong?

Andreas Maurer
2004-07-16 23:05:52 UTC
Post by Graeme Cant
Thank you, Chris. My 20B had a 3.5 hole drilled when we bought it but I
had no advice on its purpose or use. I was puzzled when I couldn't
relate the Flight Manual descriptions to what my glider had. Eventually
I worked it out.
I would be interested in any advice anyone can give on the use of 3.5.
I tend to use it for nearly all thermalling and only use 4 for landing.
Am I right? Is a 3.5 hole common? Did Schleicher's get it wrong?
It depends what you use 4 for: For thermalling at normal bank angles
(20-30 degrees) 3 is the better setting (the 20 converst excessive
speed into height a lot better in 3 than in 4), but very tight turns
combined with high wing loading (or forward CG) need 4.

Many 20 owners drilled the 3.5 hole, but I have to admit that I tested
this setting and I never felt 3.5 to be an advantage over 3 (I hold
the flap handle at 3.5 before I decided not to drill a hole there). At
3 the nose is significantly higher than in 3.5, but I think the 20's
airfoil loves high AoA's. If the AoA of the 20 is too low (in other
words: Flap setting too positive for current airspeed/g-load
combination), the drag rise is drastic - very easy to feel the

One more thing why I love the 20: The flap handle tells you which
position it wants to be in - it moves itself into the optimum position
(if you help it overcome the friction with your hand).

Andy Durbin
2004-07-13 21:33:53 UTC
Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
Just catching up with this thread and no-one seems to have mentioned
the effect of the flexible wings. I don't have experience in the 20
but I do have a series of photos of a fatal accident that started
with a contest finish pull-up and quickly ended up in a spinning
impact with the ground. I believe that the increased angle attack
caused by the wings returning to normal deflection contributed to the

Eric Greenwell
2004-07-13 23:35:09 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
Post by Ventus B
I have been considering buying an ASW20, ASW20B, or ASW20C. I knew
they were champions in their day and still have a lot of admirers.
However a few folks from my club say they have some nasty spin
characteristics. Specifically, that they have a tendancy to not only
immediately spin when stalled, but will go inverted as they spin. Can
anyone eloborate or corroborate? I normally only hear good things
about the 20.
Just catching up with this thread and no-one seems to have mentioned
the effect of the flexible wings. I don't have experience in the 20
but I do have a series of photos of a fatal accident that started
with a contest finish pull-up and quickly ended up in a spinning
impact with the ground. I believe that the increased angle attack
caused by the wings returning to normal deflection contributed to the
Boy, does this sound highly speculative! How did you conclude it was the
wings, rather than the obvious possiblities, like:

-pilot pulls too hard and stalls glider
-glider hits thermal/gust that stalls a wing
-pilot gets too slow, then skids turn or uses abrupt aileron input

Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Andreas Maurer
2004-07-14 12:26:58 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
Just catching up with this thread and no-one seems to have mentioned
the effect of the flexible wings. I don't have experience in the 20
but I do have a series of photos of a fatal accident that started
with a contest finish pull-up and quickly ended up in a spinning
impact with the ground. I believe that the increased angle attack
caused by the wings returning to normal deflection contributed to the
Flexible wings do NOT change their AoA while they are bending -
otherwise flutter would start immediately.

Bruce Hoult
2004-07-14 21:02:20 UTC
Post by Andreas Maurer
Post by Andy Durbin
Just catching up with this thread and no-one seems to have mentioned
the effect of the flexible wings. I don't have experience in the 20
but I do have a series of photos of a fatal accident that started
with a contest finish pull-up and quickly ended up in a spinning
impact with the ground. I believe that the increased angle attack
caused by the wings returning to normal deflection contributed to the
Flexible wings do NOT change their AoA while they are bending -
otherwise flutter would start immediately.
It's not the amount of bend, it's the change in the bend.

Anything that makes the wings move vertically changes the angle of
attack to generate a lift force that opposes the movement. That's why
gliders roll so slowly, for example.

The exception to the above is if the extra angle of attack is sufficient
to cause the wing to stall, in which case the lift becomes less and
rolling/bending becomes anti-stable.

That's what the original poster is talking about, not about twisting of
the wing or some such thing.

I'd be very surprised though if that was a big enough effect to *cause*
the accident. Especially given that things are normally designed so
that the wing roots stall considerably before the tips.

-- Bruce
Andreas Maurer
2004-07-14 23:37:46 UTC
Post by Bruce Hoult
Anything that makes the wings move vertically changes the angle of
attack to generate a lift force that opposes the movement. That's why
gliders roll so slowly, for example.
Now I start to see the light... :)
Post by Bruce Hoult
I'd be very surprised though if that was a big enough effect to *cause*
the accident. Especially given that things are normally designed so
that the wing roots stall considerably before the tips.
Not necessarily in a 20 with flap setting 4... :)

Andy Durbin
2004-07-14 22:22:13 UTC
Post by Andreas Maurer
Flexible wings do NOT change their AoA while they are bending -
otherwise flutter would start immediately.
Hi Andreas,

Wing flex must not result in twisting and wing flex does not change
the angle of incidence of any part of the wing. I don’t think
this means that wing flex does not change angle of attack.

Assume a glider is static on the ground and has the tail raised so
that the mean chord is horizontal. Now flex the wings upwards and
release them. The wings move downward through the air. The relative
air motion is at 90 deg to the mean cord so the angle of attack at the
tips is approximately 90 degrees while the wings unflex.

Now assume a flight condition that resulted from a high g pull up that
approached stall speed. I’ll assume the speed is 40kts, that
the wing tips flexed up 6 feet, and that as the pilot pushes forward
to avoid stall the wings return to normal deflection in 1 second. The
wing tip angle of attack change due to the downward motion can be
calculated from the forward speed of 40kts = 67.5 ft per second, and
the downward speed of 6 ft per second. Inverse tan of 6 / 67.5 is 5
so the tip angle of attack was increased by 5 degrees as the wings
unflexed. The effect reduces to zero at the root where there is no

If the numbers are valid then it remains to be decided if wing flex
induced angle of attack changes of this magnitude would have an effect
on stall and stall recovery characteristics. I expect that they
would. Others disagree with me.

Note to other posters - I didn't say this *caused* the accident. I
said I believed it was a contributing factor.

Eric Greenwell
2004-07-14 23:34:25 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
Now assume a flight condition that resulted from a high g pull up that
approached stall speed. I’ll assume the speed is 40kts, that
the wing tips flexed up 6 feet, and that as the pilot pushes forward
to avoid stall the wings return to normal deflection in 1 second. The
wing tip angle of attack change due to the downward motion can be
calculated from the forward speed of 40kts = 67.5 ft per second, and
the downward speed of 6 ft per second. Inverse tan of 6 / 67.5 is 5
so the tip angle of attack was increased by 5 degrees as the wings
unflexed. The effect reduces to zero at the root where there is no
I think the problem here might be picking the right numbers: A high G
pull up would no longer be "high G" at 40 knots (near stall speed), as
the G loading would already be reduced to 1 G. At one G, the wings will
not be flexed upwards. So, I think the wings will return to their normal
position during the speed reduction that occurs after the pull-up is
initiated; that is, more slowly than the 1 second used in the calculation.

To get a 2 G load (a guess - I don't know how much it takes to bend the
wings up 6 feet) on the wing that stalls at 40 knots would require 56
knots. Perhaps there would still be some effect, but it would also be
reduced by the increased speed used (56 knots).
Post by Andy Durbin
If the numbers are valid then it remains to be decided if wing flex
induced angle of attack changes of this magnitude would have an effect
on stall and stall recovery characteristics. I expect that they
would. Others disagree with me.
It might be a difficult effect to determine experimentally: a pilot
would have detect that the tip stalled when he reduced the G loading.
Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Andreas Maurer
2004-07-14 23:36:32 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
Now assume a flight condition that resulted from a high g pull up that
approached stall speed. I’ll assume the speed is 40kts, that
the wing tips flexed up 6 feet, and that as the pilot pushes forward
to avoid stall the wings return to normal deflection in 1 second. The
wing tip angle of attack change due to the downward motion can be
calculated from the forward speed of 40kts = 67.5 ft per second, and
the downward speed of 6 ft per second. Inverse tan of 6 / 67.5 is 5
so the tip angle of attack was increased by 5 degrees as the wings
unflexed. The effect reduces to zero at the root where there is no
Hi Andy,

In my last posting I was thinking about what you described and decided
that you had been talking about wing twist due to wing bending.

I don't think that the scenario you describe can lead to a wing stall:
The cause that returns the wing to normal deflection is of course that
the pilot reduces AoA by pushing the stick forward. The instance the
pilot reduces g-load this way he also reduces his stall speed - I
doubt that it's possible to stall if the pilot was able to pull a
high-g pull-up only one second before without having a highspeed
stall. Of course the relative AoA-rise indeed occurs when the wing
tips are moving downwards, but the overall AoA is reduced a lot more
with the elevator (otherwise he woudn't lower the AoA enough to cause
the rapid unbending of the wing).

But it's an interesting theory anyway. :)

One more thought: At 40 kts a high g pullup in an ASW-20 is not
possible anymore - 40 kts is close to its stall speed.
Stall speed of a 20 is about 38 kts, so at 40 kts it wil be able to
generate only 1.02 g without stalling, therefore at 40 kts you simply
do not get any extraordinary wing bending.

For a pullup with 2 g you need at least 53 kts in an empty 20, and for
one of 3 g you need 66 kts. And from 66 kts even a 20 will gain
perhaps 100 ft. How high was that pilot when he started to spin? I'm
pretty sure it was a "standard" spin, caused by too little airspeed
and possibly wrong flap setting.

If the pull-up has been executed at higher speed and the pilot is
pushing the nose down to level flight after a straight climb (with 1g
and loss of speed), the only danger is an inverted stall of the wing
if he tries to push too many negative G's at low speed, but this is
independent of wing bending.

The effect that you describe is imho what causes the smooth ride in a
20: If the wing tips are accelerated upwards, they reduce their AoA,
dampening their movement, and vice versa.

Andy Durbin
2004-07-15 14:08:36 UTC
Post by Andreas Maurer
The cause that returns the wing to normal deflection is of course that
the pilot reduces AoA by pushing the stick forward. The instance the
pilot reduces g-load this way he also reduces his stall speed - I
doubt that it's possible to stall if the pilot was able to pull a
high-g pull-up only one second before without having a highspeed
stall. Of course the relative AoA-rise indeed occurs when the wing
tips are moving downwards, but the overall AoA is reduced a lot more
with the elevator (otherwise he woudn't lower the AoA enough to cause
the rapid unbending of the wing).
I couldn't find the photos last night so I can't attempt any
measurements of wing deflection. The scenario I imagine is this. The
pilot makes an agressive contest finish pull up. The pull up starts
at over 100kts, the pilot continues to pull as the speed decays to say
60kts where the wing experiences an accelerated stall. The reduction
in lift causes the wings to start to unflex. What happens next
depends on how well the glider is coordinated and how quickly the
pilot pushes forward to exit the accelerated stall. Isn't it possible
that the push forward makes the wings unflex at a rate that leaves the
tips stalled?

Eric Greenwell
2004-07-15 15:38:35 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
I couldn't find the photos last night so I can't attempt any
measurements of wing deflection. The scenario I imagine is this. The
pilot makes an agressive contest finish pull up. The pull up starts
at over 100kts, the pilot continues to pull as the speed decays to say
60kts where the wing experiences an accelerated stall.
If he waits to 60 knots, he is well into a loop. Based on my contest
finishes, I'd guess he'd be back at 1 G before the speed decreases to
85-90 knots. The high G part of the pull-up is very short - just long
enough to get the glider aimed upward.
Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Mark Navarre
2004-07-15 19:51:01 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
Isn't it possible
that the push forward makes the wings unflex at a rate that leaves the
tips stalled?
The wings unflex as a response to reduced angle of attack and thus load. It
does not make sense that the wing could unflex faster than the load being
removed. If that was the case, then the wings would not flex in the first
Mark Navarre
2/5 black ace
LoCal, USA
remove brain to reply
2004-07-15 22:49:14 UTC
Isn't it possible that the push forward makes the wings unflex
at a rate that leaves the tips stalled?
They unflex because the load is removed. In order to stall they would
have to unflex faster than the load is removed. If the pilot is pushing,
the stall speed can go _way_ down. It's when he starts to load the wings
again that his technique, or failure to track his loss of airspeed in
the pull/push, can bring about the stall.

Andy Durbin
2004-07-16 14:03:55 UTC
Post by Jack
They unflex because the load is removed. In order to stall they would
have to unflex faster than the load is removed. If the pilot is pushing,
the stall speed can go _way_ down. It's when he starts to load the wings
again that his technique, or failure to track his loss of airspeed in
the pull/push, can bring about the stall.
Isn't it also true that lift will be reduced if a highly flexed wing
increases its angle attack beyond the critical angle of attack. If
the wing is producing less lift it cannot maintain the flex that
existed before the critical angle of attack was exceeded. As the wing
unflexes the tip angle of attack increases.

Which of those assumptions is invalid?

Andreas Maurer
2004-07-16 23:13:22 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
Isn't it also true that lift will be reduced if a highly flexed wing
increases its angle attack beyond the critical angle of attack. If
the wing is producing less lift it cannot maintain the flex that
existed before the critical angle of attack was exceeded. As the wing
unflexes the tip angle of attack increases.
Which of those assumptions is invalid?
All of threse assumptions are valid. :)
But if the tip is already stalled it doesn't matter a lot if it has
exceeded its maximum AoA by 2 degrees or 6 - the resulting stall is
the same.

But to stall a 20 with sufficient g-load to get significant wing flex,
you need a lot of speed and a nearly fully pulled-back stick.

I havent's flown a 20 for a couple of years now - maybe one of the
current 20 drivers could check this out, but I doubt that at 4g the
wing flex is more than three ft compared to level flight. The
resulting AoA change as the wing reflexes will be less than 1.5
degrees then.... neglectable.

Bruce Hoult
2004-07-17 00:18:58 UTC
Post by Andreas Maurer
But if the tip is already stalled it doesn't matter a lot if it has
exceeded its maximum AoA by 2 degrees or 6 - the resulting stall is
the same.
No it's not. There isn't a "maximum angle of attack". There is only an
"angle of attack for maximum lift". As you approach that angle of
attack the rate of lift increase gets smaller and smaller, then you get
the same amount of lift at slightly increasing angles of attack, and
then with still more angle of attack you get less lift. The more you
take the angle of attack past the point of maximum lift the less lift
you get.

So, yes, it does matter whether you are 2 degrees or 6 degrees past the
angle of attack for maximum lift.

-- Bruce
Andreas Maurer
2004-07-17 23:07:24 UTC
Post by Bruce Hoult
No it's not. There isn't a "maximum angle of attack". There is only an
"angle of attack for maximum lift". As you approach that angle of
attack the rate of lift increase gets smaller and smaller, then you get
the same amount of lift at slightly increasing angles of attack, and
then with still more angle of attack you get less lift. The more you
take the angle of attack past the point of maximum lift the less lift
you get.
So, yes, it does matter whether you are 2 degrees or 6 degrees past the
angle of attack for maximum lift.
Of course you are correct as ever, Bruce. :)

I used the term "maximum angle of attack" to define the point where
the airflow separates close to the leading edge, creating a massive
and sudden loss of lift (this situation being usually defined as "the
stall"). Is there a better technical term in English for this?

In scientific terms maximum AoA would be Pi (or 180 degrees) of
course, e.g. in a tailslide.

Todd Pattist
2004-07-19 13:46:05 UTC
Post by Andreas Maurer
I used the term "maximum angle of attack" to define the point where
the airflow separates close to the leading edge, creating a massive
and sudden loss of lift (this situation being usually defined as "the
stall"). Is there a better technical term in English for this?
This makes it sound like the amount of lift suddenly
decreases as the angle of attack increases slightly beyond
the stall angle of attack (also called the "critcal AOA").
That isn't what happens. Actually, there is very little
drop off of lift if you can increase the AOA slowly beyond
the stall AOA. In a wind tunnel this is easy to do. The
critical angle is just the angle where lift stops increasing
with AOA and begins to decrease with increasing AOA.
The "massive and sudden loss of lift" after stall occurs
only in flight, and only because the AOA begins to
drastically increase as you reach the stall AOA. That
increase in AOA occurs because the airplane begins to
descend as lift drops below the aircraft weight and the
additional descent vector acts to increase AOA.

You will occasionally see an airshow pilot hang his airplane
off the prop to counteract the tendency of the airplane to
descend and continue to fly with his wing stalled, but still
producing a large percentage of required lift to support the
plane. In that condition, forward stick produces more lift,
the exact opposite of normal flight.
Todd Pattist - "WH" Ventus C
(Remove DONTSPAMME from address to email reply.)
Mark James Boyd
2004-07-19 21:40:42 UTC
Nicely written, Todd. I liked that explanation...
That increase in AOA occurs because the airplane begins to
descend as lift drops below the aircraft weight and the
additional descent vector acts to increase AOA.

Mark Boyd
Avenal, California, USA
2004-07-16 23:56:23 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
Post by Jack
They unflex because the load is removed.
Isn't it also true that lift will be reduced if a highly flexed wing
increases its angle attack beyond the critical angle of attack. If
the wing is producing less lift it cannot maintain the flex that
existed before the critical angle of attack was exceeded. As the wing
unflexes the tip angle of attack increases.
I see nothing in your comments which is invalid. If the wing unflexes
due to stall and resultant loss of lift, the further increase in the
angle of attack during the unflex may be of little consequence.
Chris OCallaghan
2004-07-15 01:24:07 UTC
In fact, if you think about it, there would be a change in AoA as the
wings returned to their normal 1g state. The AoA increase at the tips
would be greatest and negligible at the roots. How large an increase
are we talking about? Pretty darn small. An amusing exercise though. A
friend once figured out how thick a layer of material a tire leaves on
the road, given normal wear. This seems on the same order.
Post by Andreas Maurer
Post by Andy Durbin
Just catching up with this thread and no-one seems to have mentioned
the effect of the flexible wings. I don't have experience in the 20
but I do have a series of photos of a fatal accident that started
with a contest finish pull-up and quickly ended up in a spinning
impact with the ground. I believe that the increased angle attack
caused by the wings returning to normal deflection contributed to the
Flexible wings do NOT change their AoA while they are bending -
otherwise flutter would start immediately.
Andy Durbin
2004-07-15 13:43:05 UTC
Post by Chris OCallaghan
In fact, if you think about it, there would be a change in AoA as the
wings returned to their normal 1g state. The AoA increase at the tips
would be greatest and negligible at the roots. How large an increase
are we talking about? Pretty darn small. An amusing exercise though. A
friend once figured out how thick a layer of material a tire leaves on
the road, given normal wear. This seems on the same order.
According to Thomas, Fundamentals of Sailplane Design, the wing twist
of the ASW-20 is 2.5 deg (page 210). Isn't twist designed into a wing
to prevent the tip stalling before the root? If my numbers were
derived for 68 knots instead of 40kts they give a result that is
similar to the designed-in wing twist. In other words, the wing flex
effect appears to completely offset the protection provided by the
wing twist.

Martin Gregorie
2004-07-15 15:17:17 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
Post by Chris OCallaghan
In fact, if you think about it, there would be a change in AoA as the
wings returned to their normal 1g state. The AoA increase at the tips
would be greatest and negligible at the roots. How large an increase
are we talking about? Pretty darn small. An amusing exercise though. A
friend once figured out how thick a layer of material a tire leaves on
the road, given normal wear. This seems on the same order.
According to Thomas, Fundamentals of Sailplane Design, the wing twist
of the ASW-20 is 2.5 deg (page 210). Isn't twist designed into a wing
to prevent the tip stalling before the root? If my numbers were
derived for 68 knots instead of 40kts they give a result that is
similar to the designed-in wing twist. In other words, the wing flex
effect appears to completely offset the protection provided by the
wing twist.
If the pilot is pushing over hard the wing will be carrying a reduced
load. As a result the stalling speed will be reduced: remember that a
stall occurs when the wing fails to generate the lift needed to
support the current load on the wing and is only indirectly connected
with the AOA and Cl figures. In the case we're considering the stall
speed will be reduced below normal because the push-over is creating a
reduced G situation.

I haven't noticed you mention this factor. How does its inclusion
affect your calculation?
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Bert Willing
2004-07-16 07:22:52 UTC
Stalling of a wing is connected to AoA in the first place, nothing else.
Bert Willing

ASW20 "TW"
Post by Martin Gregorie
Post by Andy Durbin
Post by Chris OCallaghan
In fact, if you think about it, there would be a change in AoA as the
wings returned to their normal 1g state. The AoA increase at the tips
would be greatest and negligible at the roots. How large an increase
are we talking about? Pretty darn small. An amusing exercise though. A
friend once figured out how thick a layer of material a tire leaves on
the road, given normal wear. This seems on the same order.
According to Thomas, Fundamentals of Sailplane Design, the wing twist
of the ASW-20 is 2.5 deg (page 210). Isn't twist designed into a wing
to prevent the tip stalling before the root? If my numbers were
derived for 68 knots instead of 40kts they give a result that is
similar to the designed-in wing twist. In other words, the wing flex
effect appears to completely offset the protection provided by the
wing twist.
If the pilot is pushing over hard the wing will be carrying a reduced
load. As a result the stalling speed will be reduced: remember that a
stall occurs when the wing fails to generate the lift needed to
support the current load on the wing and is only indirectly connected
with the AOA and Cl figures. In the case we're considering the stall
speed will be reduced below normal because the push-over is creating a
reduced G situation.
I haven't noticed you mention this factor. How does its inclusion
affect your calculation?
gregorie : Harlow, UK
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-17 14:04:14 UTC
On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:52 +0200, "Bert Willing"
Post by Bert Willing
Stalling of a wing is connected to AoA in the first place, nothing else.
I must respectfully disagree - the load being carried by the wing is
at least as important as the AoA.
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Bruce Hoult
2004-07-17 14:23:27 UTC
Post by Martin Gregorie
On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:22:52 +0200, "Bert Willing"
Post by Bert Willing
Stalling of a wing is connected to AoA in the first place, nothing else.
I must respectfully disagree - the load being carried by the wing is
at least as important as the AoA.
I'm afraid that turns out not to be the case.

Stalling depends on the AoA, and only the AoA (Reynolds number effects

The amount of lift generated depends only on the AoA and the airspeed.

The amount of lift necessary to support the aircraft against an
acceleration of 1 gravity depends on the load being carried. For each
load there is a minimum airspeed below which the amount of lift
necessary to support that load against gravity can not be generated.
But if you don't insist on trying to support the load against gravity
(that is, trying to increase the AoA until sufficient lift is generated,
thus stalling the wing) then you can be in perfect control and not
stalled at as low an airspeed as you like.

Which brings us back to: stalling of a wing is connected to the AoA,
nothing else.

-- Bruce
2004-07-17 16:18:14 UTC
...the load being carried by the wing is
at least as important as the AoA.
...if you don't insist on trying to support the load...then you can
be in perfect control and not stalled at as low an airspeed as you like.
Bruce, it would appear that you and Martin are in agreement.

Eric Greenwell
2004-07-17 17:52:50 UTC
Post by Jack
...the load being carried by the wing is
at least as important as the AoA.
...if you don't insist on trying to support the load...then you can
be in perfect control and not stalled at as low an airspeed as you like.
Bruce, it would appear that you and Martin are in agreement.
Appearances can be deceiving...

If you look at the Coefficient of lift diagrams for airfoils, you see
that it is dependent only on AOA, not load. In other words, a wing will
stall at the same AOA at .5 G, 1 G, 2 G, etc. I think this is what Bruce
is saying. Martin is wrong to say the load is as important as AOA, and
that is why some ras posters think we should have AOA indicators in our
Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-17 18:25:02 UTC
On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 10:52:50 -0700, Eric Greenwell
Post by Eric Greenwell
Post by Jack
...the load being carried by the wing is
at least as important as the AoA.
...if you don't insist on trying to support the load...then you can
be in perfect control and not stalled at as low an airspeed as you like.
Bruce, it would appear that you and Martin are in agreement.
Appearances can be deceiving...
If you look at the Coefficient of lift diagrams for airfoils, you see
that it is dependent only on AOA, not load. In other words, a wing will
stall at the same AOA at .5 G, 1 G, 2 G, etc. I think this is what Bruce
is saying. Martin is wrong to say the load is as important as AOA, and
that is why some ras posters think we should have AOA indicators in our
Sure, Cl is dependent entirely on AoA, but is not a linear
relationship throughout the range:

- It is linear at small angles.
- When the AoA is high enough for the upper surface flow
to start to separate the Cl tends to a constant value with
increasing AoA.
- If the AoA continues to increase even further you reach
a point at which the Cl starts to decline, reaching zero
at an AoA of 90 degrees.

However, my understanding is that a stall occurs when the lift
generated by the wing drops below the load the wing is required to

For a given wing the generated lift is proportional to the Cl and to
the square of the speed, so at a fixed AoA you can reduce the speed
until the lift is no longer sufficient for flight, at which point the
wing stalls. If the aircraft weight is reduced then so is the stalling
speed: it doesn't matter whether this reduction is due to dumping
ballast or to pushing over to generate reduced G forces. If you put
water in a glider you raise its stalling speed but you don't
necessarily change the AoA at which it stalls.

Hence my comment that the load on the wing is as important as AoA for
*stalling* behaviour. I was not talking about the aerodynamic
characteristics of the wing section - of course!
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Eric Greenwell
2004-07-18 00:13:42 UTC
Post by Martin Gregorie
Post by Eric Greenwell
If you look at the Coefficient of lift diagrams for airfoils, you see
that it is dependent only on AOA, not load. In other words, a wing will
stall at the same AOA at .5 G, 1 G, 2 G, etc. I think this is what Bruce
is saying. Martin is wrong to say the load is as important as AOA, and
that is why some ras posters think we should have AOA indicators in our
Sure, Cl is dependent entirely on AoA, but is not a linear
- It is linear at small angles.
- When the AoA is high enough for the upper surface flow
to start to separate the Cl tends to a constant value with
increasing AoA.
- If the AoA continues to increase even further you reach
a point at which the Cl starts to decline, reaching zero
at an AoA of 90 degrees.
However, my understanding is that a stall occurs when the lift
generated by the wing drops below the load the wing is required to
This is the usual result of a stall, and is what occurs in the typical
training situation, but it isn't the definition of a stall. Generally, a
stall begins when the airflow starts to separate from the wing at
increasing AOA. It is this separation that keeps the lift from
increasing and sets the maximum lift coefficient.

A wing can be stalled and still produce plenty of lift; for example, in
a high speed pull up done with too much elevator can stall the wing, but
the stalled wing will still have more lift than the weight of the
aircraft because of the high speed.

In a high speed climb after rapid pull up, pushing the stick enough to
give zero G will reduce the lift to zero, but the wing is not stalled
(the airflow is well attached - no separation) even though it can not
support the glider.
Post by Martin Gregorie
For a given wing the generated lift is proportional to the Cl and to
the square of the speed, so at a fixed AoA you can reduce the speed
until the lift is no longer sufficient for flight, at which point the
wing stalls. If the aircraft weight is reduced then so is the stalling
speed: it doesn't matter whether this reduction is due to dumping
ballast or to pushing over to generate reduced G forces. If you put
water in a glider you raise its stalling speed but you don't
necessarily change the AoA at which it stalls.
Hence my comment that the load on the wing is as important as AoA for
*stalling* behaviour.
Perhaps I don't understand this correctly: by load, do you mean
different G loads, or just different aircraft weights? By *stalling
behavior*, do you mean how rapidly the aircraft responds as it stalls,
the amount of buffeting, how the nose is, or...?
Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-18 09:47:41 UTC
On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 17:13:42 -0700, Eric Greenwell
Post by Eric Greenwell
Post by Martin Gregorie
Post by Eric Greenwell
If you look at the Coefficient of lift diagrams for airfoils, you see
that it is dependent only on AOA, not load. In other words, a wing will
stall at the same AOA at .5 G, 1 G, 2 G, etc. I think this is what Bruce
is saying. Martin is wrong to say the load is as important as AOA, and
that is why some ras posters think we should have AOA indicators in our
Sure, Cl is dependent entirely on AoA, but is not a linear
- It is linear at small angles.
- When the AoA is high enough for the upper surface flow
to start to separate the Cl tends to a constant value with
increasing AoA.
- If the AoA continues to increase even further you reach
a point at which the Cl starts to decline, reaching zero
at an AoA of 90 degrees.
However, my understanding is that a stall occurs when the lift
generated by the wing drops below the load the wing is required to
This is the usual result of a stall, and is what occurs in the typical
training situation, but it isn't the definition of a stall. Generally, a
stall begins when the airflow starts to separate from the wing at
increasing AOA. It is this separation that keeps the lift from
increasing and sets the maximum lift coefficient.
Usually major airflow separation coincides with a stall and the drag
increase ensures that a stall will happen because of the associated
loss of airspeed. However, flow separation is not the same as a stall.
Many aircraft have quite a high degree of flow separation during low
speed flight. In the model world we assume separation always occurs at
about 60% chord at min.sink and this would appear to be close to the
mark for sailplanes judging by Will Schumann's experiments.
Post by Eric Greenwell
A wing can be stalled and still produce plenty of lift; for example, in
a high speed pull up done with too much elevator can stall the wing, but
the stalled wing will still have more lift than the weight of the
aircraft because of the high speed.
I would normally call that a high drag flight regime rather than a
Post by Eric Greenwell
In a high speed climb after rapid pull up, pushing the stick enough to
give zero G will reduce the lift to zero, but the wing is not stalled
(the airflow is well attached - no separation) even though it can not
support the glider.
Sure - and I don't think a wing can be stalled in a zero-G situation,
e.g. a model flown in ISS. It probably can't be stalled in vertical
flight either. In both cases the generated lift is necessarily zero
and so is the opposing load on the wing.
Post by Eric Greenwell
Post by Martin Gregorie
For a given wing the generated lift is proportional to the Cl and to
the square of the speed, so at a fixed AoA you can reduce the speed
until the lift is no longer sufficient for flight, at which point the
wing stalls. If the aircraft weight is reduced then so is the stalling
speed: it doesn't matter whether this reduction is due to dumping
ballast or to pushing over to generate reduced G forces. If you put
water in a glider you raise its stalling speed but you don't
necessarily change the AoA at which it stalls.
Hence my comment that the load on the wing is as important as AoA for
*stalling* behaviour.
Perhaps I don't understand this correctly: by load, do you mean
different G loads, or just different aircraft weights? By *stalling
behavior*, do you mean how rapidly the aircraft responds as it stalls,
the amount of buffeting, how the nose is, or...?
By 'load' I mean the instantaneous load applied parallel to the wing's
lift vector. It will be the vector sum of the weight and acceleration
at that instant.
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Eric Greenwell
2004-07-18 15:27:23 UTC
Post by Martin Gregorie
Post by Eric Greenwell
This is the usual result of a stall, and is what occurs in the typical
training situation, but it isn't the definition of a stall. Generally, a
stall begins when the airflow starts to separate from the wing at
increasing AOA. It is this separation that keeps the lift from
increasing and sets the maximum lift coefficient.
Usually major airflow separation coincides with a stall and the drag
increase ensures that a stall will happen because of the associated
loss of airspeed. However, flow separation is not the same as a stall.
Perhaps we are not discussing the same thing. It sounds like you are
talking about "a stall", meaning the aircraft's behavior from the pilots
viewpoint (buffeting, loss of lift, poor control, etc), and I am talking
about the aerodynamic situation during "a stall" (high AOA leading to
flow separation and constant or diminishing lift coefficient).
Post by Martin Gregorie
Many aircraft have quite a high degree of flow separation during low
speed flight. In the model world we assume separation always occurs at
about 60% chord at min.sink and this would appear to be close to the
mark for sailplanes judging by Will Schumann's experiments.
I think our modern airfoils have very little separation at minimum sink,
and certainly far aft of the 60% point. Instead of "separation", perhaps
you mean the transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow? That does
occur somewhere around the 60% point (maybe 70% or so) on modern airfoils.
Post by Martin Gregorie
Post by Eric Greenwell
A wing can be stalled and still produce plenty of lift; for example, in
a high speed pull up done with too much elevator can stall the wing, but
the stalled wing will still have more lift than the weight of the
aircraft because of the high speed.
I would normally call that a high drag flight regime rather than a
I agree it is not "a stall", but I think is sometimes referred to as
"stalled flight", and the wing is considered "stalled". For some
aircraft, like fighters with their powerful engines, it is a useful
situation. For gliders, I think any time the AOA is high enough to stall
the wing, the glider will suffer "a stall", regardless of the load on it!
Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-18 17:39:13 UTC
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 08:27:23 -0700, Eric Greenwell
Post by Eric Greenwell
Perhaps we are not discussing the same thing. It sounds like you are
talking about "a stall", meaning the aircraft's behavior from the pilots
viewpoint (buffeting, loss of lift, poor control, etc), and I am talking
about the aerodynamic situation during "a stall" (high AOA leading to
flow separation and constant or diminishing lift coefficient).
I think that's partly true. I meant 'A stall' as in what happens as
the wing becomes no longer able to support the aircraft, not what
happens if you keep the stick back and the situation stabilises with a
high but constant descent rate.

I think our main disagreement is whether the aircraft really reaches
the constant Cl, increasing Cd region, let alone the diminishing Cl
region. It may do that, but the AoA would need to be very large indeed
- over 20 degrees at a guess.

I've not played with calibrated AoA indicators. If you have, what AoA
was reached at the stall? I'm curious.
Post by Eric Greenwell
Post by Martin Gregorie
Many aircraft have quite a high degree of flow separation during low
speed flight. In the model world we assume separation always occurs at
about 60% chord at min.sink and this would appear to be close to the
mark for sailplanes judging by Will Schumann's experiments.
I should read back more carefully before hitting SEND. I meant 80%.
Sorry 'bout that.
Post by Eric Greenwell
I think our modern airfoils have very little separation at minimum sink,
and certainly far aft of the 60% point. Instead of "separation", perhaps
you mean the transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow? That does
occur somewhere around the 60% point (maybe 70% or so) on modern airfoils.
Depends on the surface texture and Re number: the turbulent transition
is just behind the hi-point with a paper covered surface and Re =
50,000. I'd guess the separation point was about at the aileron hinge
line on a Discus 1 - otherwise why put the turbulator there? Its job
is to increase the boundary layer energy by forcing a transition from
laminar to turbulent and hence causing separation to be delayed.
Without measuring the wing, that must be in the 80% ballpark.
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Eric Greenwell
2004-07-18 19:45:02 UTC
Post by Martin Gregorie
I've not played with calibrated AoA indicators. If you have, what AoA
was reached at the stall? I'm curious.
I haven't used calibrated ones either, so I don't know.
Post by Martin Gregorie
Post by Eric Greenwell
I think our modern airfoils have very little separation at minimum sink,
and certainly far aft of the 60% point. Instead of "separation", perhaps
you mean the transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow? That does
occur somewhere around the 60% point (maybe 70% or so) on modern airfoils.
Depends on the surface texture and Re number: the turbulent transition
is just behind the hi-point with a paper covered surface and Re =
50,000. I'd guess the separation point was about at the aileron hinge
line on a Discus 1 - otherwise why put the turbulator there? Its job
is to increase the boundary layer energy by forcing a transition from
laminar to turbulent and hence causing separation to be delayed.
Without measuring the wing, that must be in the 80% ballpark.
I was talking about the separation on the top surface at high AOA
during a "stall situation". I now realize you were talking about laminar
flow separation on the bottom surface, which isn't related to the stall

For the modern laminar airfoils, the transition (from laminar flow to
turbulent flow on the bottom of the airfoil) is at least 80% or more. On
my ASH 26 E, the turbulators are on the flaps and ailerons at about 95%.

The transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow on the top of the
airfoil is sooner, perhaps in the 60%-80% range. There is rarely a
laminar flow separation, though the Speed Astir is a well-known example.
Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-18 20:28:55 UTC
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 12:45:02 -0700, Eric Greenwell
Post by Eric Greenwell
I was talking about the separation on the top surface at high AOA
during a "stall situation". I now realize you were talking about laminar
flow separation on the bottom surface, which isn't related to the stall
Actually, I was talking about upper surface separation at low speed -
thermalling regime. Our oldest club Discus has zigzag turbs just ahead
of the aileron hinges and those were the turbs I was thinking about.
I'm not sure how common there are, come to think of it, because the
other club ship (Czech-bult with tiplets) doesn't have them.

I forgot about the lower surface turbs, but I think their placement is
due to airfoil shape rather than anything else. I've only seen them in
front of the narrow undercambered area under the TE and assumed they
were to stop separation in the undercamber dish at the top end of the
speed range.

I hope I didn't cause too much confusion there.
Post by Eric Greenwell
For the modern laminar airfoils, the transition (from laminar flow to
turbulent flow on the bottom of the airfoil) is at least 80% or more. On
my ASH 26 E, the turbulators are on the flaps and ailerons at about 95%.
Interesting - I've never seen a 26E close enough to know what its
airfoil looks like. Does it also have a somewhat hooked trailing edge?
Post by Eric Greenwell
The transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow on the top of the
airfoil is sooner, perhaps in the 60%-80% range. There is rarely a
laminar flow separation, though the Speed Astir is a well-known example.
Could it have been more of a problem on the early glass? I've read
Will Schueman's article about the development of his triple break
leading edge a couple of times. The separation bubble on his ASW-12
seems to have been huge and thick. His analysis of the problem and the
way he went about developing the fix is a classic.
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Eric Greenwell
2004-07-18 22:20:44 UTC
Post by Martin Gregorie
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 12:45:02 -0700, Eric Greenwell
Post by Eric Greenwell
I was talking about the separation on the top surface at high AOA
during a "stall situation". I now realize you were talking about laminar
flow separation on the bottom surface, which isn't related to the stall
Actually, I was talking about upper surface separation at low speed -
thermalling regime. Our oldest club Discus has zigzag turbs just ahead
of the aileron hinges and those were the turbs I was thinking about.
I'm not sure how common there are, come to think of it, because the
other club ship (Czech-bult with tiplets) doesn't have them.
Turbulators on the top of the wing are uncommon. Except for a Speed
Astir, I haven't seen any, not even on Discus(es?). Generally, I believe
the separation that occurs while thermalling is not laminar flow
separation (which would start around 60% or so on the airfoil), but
turbulent flow separation starting at/near the trailing edge at the
onset of stall (flying too slowly).
Post by Martin Gregorie
I forgot about the lower surface turbs, but I think their placement is
due to airfoil shape rather than anything else. I've only seen them in
front of the narrow undercambered area under the TE and assumed they
were to stop separation in the undercamber dish at the top end of the
speed range.
I hope I didn't cause too much confusion there.
Post by Eric Greenwell
For the modern laminar airfoils, the transition (from laminar flow to
turbulent flow on the bottom of the airfoil) is at least 80% or more. On
my ASH 26 E, the turbulators are on the flaps and ailerons at about 95%.
Interesting - I've never seen a 26E close enough to know what its
airfoil looks like. Does it also have a somewhat hooked trailing edge?
Well, it is a flapped ship, so the trailing edge can deflected down 10
degrees or so. The flap and aileron seem to have a slight concavity on
the top side. The ASW 27 is essentially identical, and they both use
blow turbulators, like the ASW 20 models.
Post by Martin Gregorie
Post by Eric Greenwell
The transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow on the top of the
airfoil is sooner, perhaps in the 60%-80% range. There is rarely a
laminar flow separation, though the Speed Astir is a well-known example.
Could it have been more of a problem on the early glass?
I haven't heard that it was. I think it was eventually found on the
Astir because it performed so far below expectations, that much effort
went into discovering the cause.
Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Bruce Hoult
2004-07-18 03:14:37 UTC
Post by Martin Gregorie
Sure, Cl is dependent entirely on AoA, but is not a linear
- It is linear at small angles.
- When the AoA is high enough for the upper surface flow
to start to separate the Cl tends to a constant value with
increasing AoA.
- If the AoA continues to increase even further you reach
a point at which the Cl starts to decline, reaching zero
at an AoA of 90 degrees.
I'm with you on all that.
Post by Martin Gregorie
However, my understanding is that a stall occurs when the lift
generated by the wing drops below the load the wing is required to
No, a stall is when increasing AoA decreases lift. There might well
still be more lift that the weight of the aircraft, especially at high
speed. The only reasons to avoid such stalled flight are:

- high drag and thus inefficient
- the aircraft is unstable in roll, making it difficult or
impossible to control.

Presumably you've seen aircraft such as the F/A-18 demonstrate a slow
pass at very high and stalled angle of attack? They are getting some of
their support from the downward component of the engine thrust, of
course, but with an AoA of, say, around 30 degrees it would need a
thrust:weight ratio of around 2 in order for thrust to be enough to
support the entire aircraft weight. It would also require *huge* drag
in order to avoid accelerating at such a thrust level. The F/A-18 has
nowhere near that amount of thrust, so the majority of the support is
clearly still coming from the stalled wings. In that situation the
aircraft is unstable, and would probably be improssible to fly like that
without the computer reacting very quickly to unwanted rolls.

So the F/A-18 can be happily flown in steady-state stalled straight and
level flight primarily because of the computer control and also because
the extra drag is less than the engine thrust available.
Post by Martin Gregorie
For a given wing the generated lift is proportional to the Cl and to
the square of the speed, so at a fixed AoA you can reduce the speed
until the lift is no longer sufficient for flight, at which point the
wing stalls.
Well, ... no :-)

If you maintain a fixed AoA, and the speed is such that the lift is less
than the weight of the aircraft then the aircraft will start to follow a
downwards parabolic path (not as sharply downwards as in a zero-G
pushover, but similar).

What happens next depends on what else (if anything) you are holding

Suppose, for the sake of concreteness, that you are initially flying
straight and level at 60 knots and you then fix the AoA such that the
wings are producing only half the lift required to support the glider.

Normally a glider will accelerate, increasing the lift (and drag, but
not by much). The extra lift will cause the path to become less sharply
curved downward and things will come to equilibrium (or oscillate
around) the point where the combined lift and drag are equal and
opposite to gravity. For a typical glider polar curve this will happen
at an airspeed of around 1/sqrt(0.5) times 60 knots, or 85 knots, plus
or minus a little due to drag.

So all you've acheived is to change the trimmed speed from 60 to 85

Or, look at it the other way around. Maybe you were flying straight and
level at 85 knots, and then you somehow instantly decrease the airspeed
to 60 knots (maybe a gust up the tail). The lift is no longer
sufficient to maintain level flight. But the glider doesn't stall. It
just drops the nose and accelerates until it has returned to the trimmed
speed of 85 knots.

In no way are the wings ever stalled.

If you stipulate constant speed as well as constant AoA (presumably via
some large and adjustable drag, magical or otherwise) then the flight
path will become steeper until the combined lift and drag vectors are
again exactly equal to and opposite the gravity vector. This will
result in a much steeper flight path, but still stable.

Let's suppose again that you are at 60 knots and reduce the AoA to
produce only half the lift required for flight and then continue to
maintain exactly 60 knots somehow. Alternatively, suppose you're flying
trimmed for level flight at 85 knots and then apply airbrakes to reduce
and maintain 60 knots, while keeping the same trim (AoA).

What happens?

The AoA/speed are insufficient for flight at 60 knots and so the nose
drops. If you draw up the force vectors then you will find that the
glider will stablize in a 60 degree descent at your desired constant 60
knots. Lift (from the wings) is still 0.5 of the weight just as it was
initially (but it's in a funny direction, tilted 60 degrees forward from
vertical). Drag (from the airbrakes) is 0.866 of the weight, tilted 30
degrees from vertical. The horizontal components of lift and drag are
equal and opposite and cancel out. The vertical force to oppose gravity
comes 25% from the wings and 75% from the airbrakes.

In no way are the wings ever stalled.

No matter what you do, if you start with the wings not stalled then
there is nothing you can do that will stall them while all the time
keeping the AoA constant.

If you see the nose drop and don't like it and pull back on the stick to
try to prevent it then that is an entirely different matter -- you're
increasing the AoA which certainly *can* stall the wings.

-- Bruce
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-18 10:32:38 UTC
Post by Bruce Hoult
Post by Martin Gregorie
Sure, Cl is dependent entirely on AoA, but is not a linear
- It is linear at small angles.
- When the AoA is high enough for the upper surface flow
to start to separate the Cl tends to a constant value with
increasing AoA.
- If the AoA continues to increase even further you reach
a point at which the Cl starts to decline, reaching zero
at an AoA of 90 degrees.
I'm with you on all that.
Post by Martin Gregorie
However, my understanding is that a stall occurs when the lift
generated by the wing drops below the load the wing is required to
No, a stall is when increasing AoA decreases lift. There might well
still be more lift that the weight of the aircraft, especially at high
I wouldn't describe that as stalled. Separated flow, yes, and hence
high drag, but not stalled.
Post by Bruce Hoult
- high drag and thus inefficient
of course
Post by Bruce Hoult
- the aircraft is unstable in roll, making it difficult or
impossible to control.
That's not due to the stall, but rather to upper surface flow
separation reducing aileron effectiveness.
Post by Bruce Hoult
Presumably you've seen aircraft such as the F/A-18 demonstrate a slow
pass at very high and stalled angle of attack? They are getting some of
their support from the downward component of the engine thrust, of
course, but with an AoA of, say, around 30 degrees it would need a
thrust:weight ratio of around 2 in order for thrust to be enough to
support the entire aircraft weight. It would also require *huge* drag
in order to avoid accelerating at such a thrust level. The F/A-18 has
nowhere near that amount of thrust, so the majority of the support is
clearly still coming from the stalled wings. In that situation the
aircraft is unstable, and would probably be improssible to fly like that
without the computer reacting very quickly to unwanted rolls.
IIRC an F-18 has unlimited vertical capability when lightly loaded.
Such vertical flight requires no wing lift and a thrust:weight ratio
of >1:1, so it follows that any other flight regime from normal flight
to high-alpha, fully flow-separated attitudes where the wing is
contributing some lift will require less thrust, not more.
Post by Bruce Hoult
So the F/A-18 can be happily flown in steady-state stalled straight and
level flight primarily because of the computer control and also because
the extra drag is less than the engine thrust available.
I think the control regime will be decidedly odd - ailerons should be
pretty ineffective, computer of no computer, and that the aircraft may
well be being flown on a combination of rudder and elevator.

The drag in supersonic flight is so high that almost any Mach 2
aircraft has the thrust to do this. The real issue is control and here
the all-flying tail that the Bell X-1 program discovered also happened
to have the control authority needed to hold the high angle.
Post by Bruce Hoult
Post by Martin Gregorie
For a given wing the generated lift is proportional to the Cl and to
the square of the speed, so at a fixed AoA you can reduce the speed
until the lift is no longer sufficient for flight, at which point the
wing stalls.
Well, ... no :-)
If you maintain a fixed AoA, and the speed is such that the lift is less
than the weight of the aircraft then the aircraft will start to follow a
downwards parabolic path (not as sharply downwards as in a zero-G
pushover, but similar).
I think you'll find that's pretty much what does happen if you watch a
stall from the outside, follow the path taken by the CG and ignore the
attitude changes. I think our perceptions from the inside are very
much affected by the pitch-down, but that's designed in by picking
suitable incidence difference and airfoil characteristics for the
tail. When the lift no longer balances the load on the wing the
aircraft will accelerate downward: A = F/M always applies and the
aircraft will accelerate until the lift once again matches the load on
the wing. If you continue to hold the stick back in a fully stalled
glider it will again achieve a steady state, but a very inefficient
one with a largely separated airflow on the wing. Centreing the stick
lowers the AoA and hence the Cl, so the aircraft again accelerates
downward until it has the airspeed necessary for normal flight.

Hmm, it looks like a terminology thing to me. I'd still maintain that
the stall break comes when the wing can't support the load imposed on
it. I suspect there's no disagreement here. However, I'd also accept
that most pilots would call the following highly separated, though
stable steady state rapid descent a "stalled wing" despite the fact
that the wing is supporting the aircraft. Regardless of what its
called, you'd best not try to land in that condition!

BTW I've deliberately ignored accelerated stalls and high-speed stalls
in this discussion because they are so far from steady state that I
think the dynamics of the situation obscures what's really happening.
Post by Bruce Hoult
What happens next depends on what else (if anything) you are holding
Suppose, for the sake of concreteness, that you are initially flying
straight and level at 60 knots and you then fix the AoA such that the
wings are producing only half the lift required to support the glider.
Normally a glider will accelerate, increasing the lift (and drag, but
not by much). The extra lift will cause the path to become less sharply
curved downward and things will come to equilibrium (or oscillate
around) the point where the combined lift and drag are equal and
opposite to gravity. For a typical glider polar curve this will happen
at an airspeed of around 1/sqrt(0.5) times 60 knots, or 85 knots, plus
or minus a little due to drag.
So all you've acheived is to change the trimmed speed from 60 to 85
Or, look at it the other way around. Maybe you were flying straight and
level at 85 knots, and then you somehow instantly decrease the airspeed
to 60 knots (maybe a gust up the tail). The lift is no longer
sufficient to maintain level flight. But the glider doesn't stall. It
just drops the nose and accelerates until it has returned to the trimmed
speed of 85 knots.
In no way are the wings ever stalled.
If you stipulate constant speed as well as constant AoA (presumably via
some large and adjustable drag, magical or otherwise) then the flight
path will become steeper until the combined lift and drag vectors are
again exactly equal to and opposite the gravity vector. This will
result in a much steeper flight path, but still stable.
Let's suppose again that you are at 60 knots and reduce the AoA to
produce only half the lift required for flight and then continue to
maintain exactly 60 knots somehow. Alternatively, suppose you're flying
trimmed for level flight at 85 knots and then apply airbrakes to reduce
and maintain 60 knots, while keeping the same trim (AoA).
What happens?
The AoA/speed are insufficient for flight at 60 knots and so the nose
drops. If you draw up the force vectors then you will find that the
glider will stablize in a 60 degree descent at your desired constant 60
knots. Lift (from the wings) is still 0.5 of the weight just as it was
initially (but it's in a funny direction, tilted 60 degrees forward from
vertical). Drag (from the airbrakes) is 0.866 of the weight, tilted 30
degrees from vertical. The horizontal components of lift and drag are
equal and opposite and cancel out. The vertical force to oppose gravity
comes 25% from the wings and 75% from the airbrakes.
In no way are the wings ever stalled.
No matter what you do, if you start with the wings not stalled then
there is nothing you can do that will stall them while all the time
keeping the AoA constant.
If you see the nose drop and don't like it and pull back on the stick to
try to prevent it then that is an entirely different matter -- you're
increasing the AoA which certainly *can* stall the wings.
-- Bruce
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Andreas Maurer
2004-07-18 22:13:58 UTC
Post by Bruce Hoult
Presumably you've seen aircraft such as the F/A-18 demonstrate a slow
pass at very high and stalled angle of attack? They are getting some of
their support from the downward component of the engine thrust, of
course, but with an AoA of, say, around 30 degrees it would need a
thrust:weight ratio of around 2 in order for thrust to be enough to
support the entire aircraft weight.
Great example! But don't forget that the F-18 (as well as any other
fighter) uses a couple of tricks, notably the strakes - the vortices
produced by the strakes produce a large percentage of the lift while
the outer wings are completely stalled and produce only very little

These fighters and delta winged aircraft don't play fair concerning
lift creation. :)

Eric Greenwell
2004-07-15 15:33:02 UTC
Post by Andy Durbin
According to Thomas, Fundamentals of Sailplane Design, the wing twist
of the ASW-20 is 2.5 deg (page 210). Isn't twist designed into a wing
to prevent the tip stalling before the root?
It is also used to adjust the lift distribution for decreased drag, and
since the airfoil also changes from root to tip, it might be hard to
determine (just from the numbers) why the designer chose to put twist
into the wing.
Change "netto" to "net" to email me directly

Eric Greenwell
Washington State
Derrick Steed
2004-07-15 18:17:04 UTC
Post by Eric Greenwell
Post by Andy Durbin
I couldn't find the photos last night so I can't attempt any
measurements of wing deflection. The scenario I imagine is this. The
pilot makes an agressive contest finish pull up. The pull up starts
at over 100kts, the pilot continues to pull as the speed decays to say
60kts where the wing experiences an accelerated stall.
If he waits to 60 knots, he is well into a loop. Based on my contest
finishes, I'd guess he'd be back at 1 G before the speed decreases to
85-90 knots. The high G part of the pull-up is very short - just long
enough to get the glider aimed upward.
I've read most of these posts and now I'm thoroughly confused:
1. isn't it true that unless the pilot aggressively pushes over, the wings will unflex too slowly to cause a large AOA increase? And even then, the increase is relatively small - at most about 1 degree for realistic speeds of travel and rates of unflexure?

2. isn't it more likely that the pilot tried to initiate a low speed, initially low G turn, then as the load factor increased due to the increasing angle of bank the wing AOA went past the stalling angle and so the (then inevitable) spin became a fact?

3. everything I've ever read and learned about wing theory states that a stall results when the AOA is greater than the stalling angle - it doesn't matter what the G loading is or what the speed is.


Derrick Steed
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-15 19:11:07 UTC
On 15 Jul 2004 18:17:04 GMT, Derrick Steed
Post by Derrick Steed
Post by Eric Greenwell
Post by Andy Durbin
I couldn't find the photos last night so I can't attempt any
measurements of wing deflection. The scenario I imagine is this. The
pilot makes an agressive contest finish pull up. The pull up starts
at over 100kts, the pilot continues to pull as the speed decays to say
60kts where the wing experiences an accelerated stall.
If he waits to 60 knots, he is well into a loop. Based on my contest
finishes, I'd guess he'd be back at 1 G before the speed decreases to
85-90 knots. The high G part of the pull-up is very short - just long
enough to get the glider aimed upward.
1. isn't it true that unless the pilot aggressively pushes over, the wings will unflex too slowly to cause a large AOA increase? And even then, the increase is relatively small - at most about 1 degree for realistic speeds of travel and rates of unflexure?
2. isn't it more likely that the pilot tried to initiate a low speed, initially low G turn, then as the load factor increased due to the increasing angle of bank the wing AOA went past the stalling angle and so the (then inevitable) spin became a fact?
3. everything I've ever read and learned about wing theory states that a stall results when the AOA is greater than the stalling angle - it doesn't matter what the G loading is or what the speed is.
I'm not certain any of us know enough detail about the accident to
make a sensible guess about its cause.

FWIW, on Tuesday evening I decided to investigate turning stall/spin
behaviour in my '20 at a sensible altitude. It was calm and with
little air movement under a high overcast. With the aircraft clean and
flaps at zero (setting 3) I flew some moderately steep turns - about
45 degrees of bank and at speeds ranging down to about 43 kts. This
was completely uneventful - no buffeting, burble or hints of
departure. In short, it flew like a pussycat. I'll try this again by
myself in a turbulent thermal next time because all that series of
turns told me was that in nearly still air my '20 can fly uneventful
turns at stupidly slow airspeeds. By comparison I typically fly at
48-50 kts for that steep a turn in zero flap during normal thermalling
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Rudy Allemann
2004-07-18 06:50:41 UTC
Post by Martin Gregorie
On 15 Jul 2004 18:17:04 GMT, Derrick Steed
Post by Martin Gregorie
FWIW, on Tuesday evening I decided to investigate turning stall/spin
behaviour in my '20 at a sensible altitude. It was calm and with
little air movement under a high overcast. With the aircraft clean and
flaps at zero (setting 3) I flew some moderately steep turns - about
45 degrees of bank and at speeds ranging down to about 43 kts. This
was completely uneventful - no buffeting, burble or hints of
departure. In short, it flew like a pussycat. I'll try this again by
myself in a turbulent thermal next time because all that series of
turns told me was that in nearly still air my '20 can fly uneventful
turns at stupidly slow airspeeds. By comparison I typically fly at
48-50 kts for that steep a turn in zero flap during normal thermalling
Dear Martin, In your next flight-test-experiment with the ASW-20, try
a climbing turn stall at good altitude. Bank into a right turn at
60-65 knots and as the right wing goes down pull back fairly hard and
steadily on the stick to make the glider go up and slow down. Keep
pulling back and wow! you will stall over the top and quickly too. I
think that this has been the cause of more than one low altitude
glider crash. I tried this in my '20 when Walt Cannon and I were
having a similar discussion about stalling in the ASW-20. Let me
know how it works and what you think. Rudy Allemann
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-18 10:38:28 UTC
Post by Rudy Allemann
Post by Martin Gregorie
On 15 Jul 2004 18:17:04 GMT, Derrick Steed
Post by Martin Gregorie
FWIW, on Tuesday evening I decided to investigate turning stall/spin
behaviour in my '20 at a sensible altitude. It was calm and with
little air movement under a high overcast. With the aircraft clean and
flaps at zero (setting 3) I flew some moderately steep turns - about
45 degrees of bank and at speeds ranging down to about 43 kts. This
was completely uneventful - no buffeting, burble or hints of
departure. In short, it flew like a pussycat. I'll try this again by
myself in a turbulent thermal next time because all that series of
turns told me was that in nearly still air my '20 can fly uneventful
turns at stupidly slow airspeeds. By comparison I typically fly at
48-50 kts for that steep a turn in zero flap during normal thermalling
Dear Martin, In your next flight-test-experiment with the ASW-20, try
a climbing turn stall at good altitude. Bank into a right turn at
60-65 knots and as the right wing goes down pull back fairly hard and
steadily on the stick to make the glider go up and slow down. Keep
pulling back and wow! you will stall over the top and quickly too. I
think that this has been the cause of more than one low altitude
glider crash. I tried this in my '20 when Walt Cannon and I were
having a similar discussion about stalling in the ASW-20. Let me
know how it works and what you think. Rudy Allemann
Any particular reason you picked a right turn? Mine tends to drop the
left wing in a stall.

Your suggestion sounds like a good exercise to try: normally I don't
go below 50 kts at the top of a fast pull-up. Maybe Monday or
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
Rudy Allemann
2004-07-18 19:57:10 UTC
Post by Martin Gregorie
Any particular reason you picked a right turn? Mine tends to drop the
left wing in a stall.
Your suggestion sounds like a good exercise to try: normally I don't
go below 50 kts at the top of a fast pull-up. Maybe Monday or
Dear Martin, No particular reason...just describing the manuever. It
will work either way. Rudy
Martin Gregorie
2004-07-18 20:30:21 UTC
Post by Rudy Allemann
Post by Martin Gregorie
Any particular reason you picked a right turn? Mine tends to drop the
left wing in a stall.
Your suggestion sounds like a good exercise to try: normally I don't
go below 50 kts at the top of a fast pull-up. Maybe Monday or
Dear Martin, No particular reason...just describing the manuever. It
will work either way. Rudy
Thanks for the clarification. I'll report back once we've had good
enough soaring weather to try it at a reasonable height.
martin@ : Martin Gregorie
gregorie : Harlow, UK
demon :
co : Zappa fan & glider pilot
uk :
David Smith
2004-07-19 21:07:59 UTC
I have never tried to spin my ASW20 in this way but I have done the =
exercise in a K13 at low level too. The results were a very fast stall =
and wingdrop, which is what I expected and is how I would I expect most =
gliders to behave. I what way does the ASW20 behave differently?? =
Bearing in mind that in a accidental spin flaps have to be moved to =
negative as well as the usual recovery, the glider will pick up speed =
that much faster any spin at 500ft is going to be irrecoverable.
Pulling up into a thermal, and slowing down as you turn attention must =
be paid to air speed as the load comes back onto the wings.
This is explained in the flight manual at .5G and 0 flap minimum speed =
is 30kts at 1g it is 42kts at 2g it is 68kts and add 5 kts to all those =
with ballast. Based on those speeds when thermaling in turbulent air =
lack of control response will be felt easily and either more speed or =
less bank will be needed. In 3 years I have found that my ASW20 gives =
plenty of warning that speed is too low or indeed that speed is too high =
for the flap setting selected.
A pilot with 100+hours solo that has read and understood the manual =
should have no problems, it is not a novice glider. It can be flown =
level or in gentle turns at less than 40 kts but do not try it in rough =
conditions the airflow will break away unpredictably.

David Smith
Marc Ramsey
2004-07-19 21:35:17 UTC
Post by David Smith
I have never tried to spin my ASW20 in this way but I have done the =
exercise in a K13 at low level too. The results were a very fast stall =
and wingdrop, which is what I expected and is how I would I expect most =
gliders to behave. I what way does the ASW20 behave differently?? =
The ASW20s I've flown will do both normal spin entries (inner wing drops)
and over the top spin entries (outer wing drops) from a turn, depending on
how the glider is handled. Spin entry is also more abrupt than the typical
training glider. Those who have trained in something other than a K13 or a
Puchacz will not have experienced this type of spin behavior.
Post by David Smith
A pilot with 100+hours solo that has read and understood the manual =
should have no problems, it is not a novice glider. It can be flown =
level or in gentle turns at less than 40 kts but do not try it in rough =
conditions the airflow will break away unpredictably.
100+ hour pilots vary greatly in level of training and experience. I've
know 100 hour pilots who could safely fly just about any glider. I've also
known 1000 hour pilots who barely survive flying Grob Twins...

David Smith
2004-07-21 06:46:34 UTC
Do any other single seaters spin over the top in the same way and just =
how do deliberately make the glider do it. I certainly have done a left =
hand spin off a right hand turn in a Puchacz but I think you are =
describing different behavior.

David Smith
