Just wondering how many of us have flown at Bicester and when.
I started flying there when I arrived at Upper Heyford AFB (F-111's) in '71, Andy Gough in command. Jock Wishard? second in command. They were very welcoming to us USAF types, and I soloed there in a K-8.
However, one must arrive, ready to push out gliders just after the crack of dawn, even in the dead of winter, and one was expected to say until the hanger doors were closed and everyone retired to the little pub room to settle up. Great memories. Monty Montieth was there, Dave Martin, and I remember Ian Strachan although he wouldn't remember me. Also John Glossop. I crewed for Montieth at the Nationals in Herefordshire in fall '71.
I later went on to fly at Dunstable, High Wycombe (Chris ??? CFI - great guy), And Lasham. D. Pigot checked me out for cloud flying in a falk, but I never put it use. Just as well.